
A yellowtail rockfish in a central coast Rockfish Conservation Area in British Colubmia

CCIRA and Hakai collaborate on rockfish surveys

In collaboration with the Hakai Institute, CCIRA wrapped up a second season of rockfish surveys this spring, studying the state of rockfish populations in some key Rockfish Conservation Areas on the central coast. If you’ve never had the opportunity to dive on the central coast, this video will take you under the waves and give you a glimpse of what our divers see while they are at work.

A school of herring on the BC coast

Spring is herring season

Herring are a critical part of coastal ecosystems and the lives of coastal First Nations. The herring fishery has also been a source of controversy on the central coast. But one thing everybody can agree on is that herring are amazing. This beautiful film from the Hakai Institute says it all…