Central Coast First Nations are working together with a range of partners, including provincial and federal governments, neighbouring Nations, industry and conservation organizations, in efforts to sustainably manage our marine resources.
Several priorities must be met to ensure this happens effectively:
- Co-Governance & Shared Decision-Making – Central Coast Nations must maintain Rights and Title in our territories and a lead role in shaping all resource management decisions.
- Government Revenue Sharing – our Nations must receive an equitable share of wealth and efforts from federal and provincial governments to ensure revenue sharing agreements.
- Stock Restoration and Rehabilitation – immediate action to restore and maintain the health of fish stocks in our territories, including funding to improve monitoring and management efforts.
- Priority Access to FSC – important harvesting areas in our territories must be set aside for local community members to access fish for food, social and ceremonial purposes.
- Monitoring and Enforcement – sustainable practices can only result from the direct enforcement of plans, laws, policies and guidelines of Central Coast Nations.
Economic Development – the social and economic well-being of Central Coast communities is an essential step in achieving sustainable management goals.